YOK 2. LER 2. OLAY 2. LK Around eraund 1. EEK 2. AMA 2. HAVA 2. HEP 2. TAMAM 2. GER 2. ARKA 2. DENGE 2. TOP 2. BANT erit 2. KUTU 2. UBUK 2. VARL 2. TABAN 2. FIRA 2. BTE 2. KABLO 2. HESAP 3. PARA 2. MAV 2. TAHTA 3. NEDEN 2. DEMEK 2. DEM 3. HLEC 2. NEE 2. SERN 2. LKE 2. EMBER 2. FT kar-koca v. GDAT 2. KREMA 2. KREM 3. SON 2. KLP 2. FNCAN 2. AKIM 2. CAR 3.
SOL 2. FARK 2. MAVİ 2. HESAP 3. AMA 2.
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